rcln = reconciliation
our mission
we’re building bridges between people and God, making faith practical and accessible for a new generation. we provide the tools and community to make authentic faith possible.
2 Corinthians 5:20
our vision
a reconciled world where everyone takes a daily step closer to God and one another.
ministry director
oluseun “o.” arowolaju, is a lover of God and His people. however, it wasn't always so evident. though he grew up in a Christian home, he struggled to know God intimately. this challenge inspired him to establish rcln, a place designed to simplify the journey for others to draw closer to God. through the simplicity of his teachings, a strong emphasis on the word, worship, and witnessing. in a passionate call to 'fish for men,' he addresses the challenges he faced in his youth, one individual at a time.
find him on instagram.
creative director
christine arowolaju, came to know Christ unconventionally. she always knew and believed in something, but didn’t have a way of defining it. upon meeting her then-boyfriend and now husband, o., they walked through the Gospel together. she then realized, the Bible gave her the words to describe a belief she’s held all her life. she’s now using her creative gifts to give others a language to describe that deep longing to belong to God.
find her on instagram.
why not? we're a community of Believers, who have all the resources in the world to leverage but choose simplicity and community above all. that's how Jesus did it.
100%, but feel free to give, only if you do so with joy. we are self-funded and intend to be so forever, but we thank God for the ministry partners that support financially.
depends on your definition of church. if it's a group of Believers that gather, then yes. if it's a legal structure with non-profit status, governed by elders and deacons, then no. our parent church is BCOR.
see our statement of faith, here.